What Law Firm Is Handling the 3M Earplug Lawsuit?

What Law Firm Is Handling the 3M Earplug Lawsuit?

Various personal injury law firms are handling lawsuits concerning 3M Dual-Ended Combat Arms Earplugs. These devices became a standard issue for many branches of the military between 2003 and 2015. They were designed to protect military members’ hearing from loud noises while still being able to hear communications. 3M was aware of the design flaw but did not disclose it to consumers.

If you were injured while wearing these earplugs as a member of the U.S. armed forces, you can get a free consultation with an attorney who can review your legal options with you. It is important that you find the law firm that can handle your 3M earplug lawsuit, so we offer some guidance below as you decide. You can also reach out to us for help now by filling out the contact form.

How to Choose the Right Lawyer for a 3M Earplug Lawsuit

Choosing which lawyer or law firm for your 3M military earplug lawsuit can be an intimidating process. You likely have a lot of questions, including whether legal representation is affordable. Working with a lawyer ensures a professional is taking care of your legal matters while you focus on recovery. Our team can help you find a mass tort lawsuit lawyer whose services and approach match what you’re looking for.

How Do You Know if Your Lawyer Is Right for Your Case?

Most personal injury lawyers offer a free consultation to review your case. You should take full advantage of this opportunity and be prepared to ask questions. Taking notes is also beneficial when comparing the attorneys or law firms you’ll meet with. Examples of questions you should ask during a consultation include:

  • What are the potential costs? Lawyer fees can quickly add up, so it is important to know an estimate of how much your case will cost. Based on the information you give, an attorney could give you a ballpark number of how much your case will cost in legal fees. Many personal injury attorneys require no payment until the attorney has resolved their client’s case. However, you can ask about the attorney’s or law firm’s payment arrangements to be sure.
  • What is the best way to communicate? During the consultation, it is important to ask how often you will receive status updates about your case. Asking the best way to reach your lawyer for questions and their response time is a good way of knowing if they will be a good match for you. You should always have a contact who you can reach out to for questions and concerns you have.
  • What experience do you have with similar cases? Choosing a lawyer who handles cases similar to yours can be helpful. Based on their experience, they know what worked in the past that led to favorable outcomes for their clients. 
  • How many cases have you represented that were similar to mine? You can ask the attorney or law firm how cases have they won or settled that are similar to yours. It is important to know the attorney’s track record and what they have recovered for their past clients.
  • Who will handle my case? Law firms usually have several lawyers and paralegals on staff. Asking who will oversee your case will give you an idea of the level of experience you will receive and the costs associated with each person handling the case.
  • What are the possible outcomes? A settlement could be reached, or your case could go to trial. Asking a lawyer which outcome seems more likely could be helpful with knowing costs that could be associated with your case.

These questions can be helpful when choosing an attorney who manages product liability cases. If you think of others, be sure to note them so you can ask them.

How to Determine if You Can Pursue a 3M Earplug Lawsuit

Due to a design flaw in the 3M Dual-Ended Combat Arms Earplugs, many military members suffer from hearing loss or other ear-related issues. 

Qualifications for the 3M earplug lawsuit include:

  • You served in any branch of the United States (U.S.) military at any time from 2003 to 2015. 
  • You used the 3M Dual-Ended Combat Arms Earplugs that the U.S. military provided. Some of the areas around the world where these earplugs were used include Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Libya, and Somalia. These earplugs were also used during training exercises, so service members who were not deployed could still qualify for a lawsuit.
  • You suffer from hearing loss, tinnitus, or other negative effects.
  • You are within your state’s statute of limitations deadline. Most U.S. states give two years from the date of incident or discovery to file legal action. In Louisiana and some other states, you have only one year to do so, per Louisiana Civil Code § 3492. It is important to know the product liability statute of limitations for your state to make sure you don’t miss a deadline. An attorney can advise you on this matter further.

Receiving disability benefits for hearing loss issues will not affect your ability to recover damages. An attorney can review information to determine if you can file a 3M earplug lawsuit to recover your damages.

Negative Effects of 3M Dual-Ended Combat Arms Earplugs

Veterans who used the 3M Dual-Ended Combat Arms Earplugs can suffer from various negative effects. To qualify for the military earplug lawsuit, it has to be proven that you have negative effects that the defective earplugs caused.

Some of these negative effects include: 

  • Hearing loss: An increased threshold of audibility because of age, infirmity, or prolonged exposure to intense noise. This can take time for it to fully manifest. Hearing loss sufferers may also have trouble controlling their own volume and enunciation. 
  • Tinnitus: A buzzing or ringing sound in the ear. This can restrict sleep or be a constant source of frustration. Other sounds tinnitus sufferers have described include hissing, crickets, and screeching. In many cases, these sounds are constant and get loud and quiet based on the other sounds in the area.
  • Difficulty with balance: Balance disorders occur because of issues in the inner ear. 
  • Sensitivity to sounds: This can be caused by damage to the ear.

Hearing loss can have complicated symptoms and can vary based on the severity of damage to the ears. Other signs of hearing loss could include:

  • Muffled speech and other sounds
  • Difficulty understanding consonants
  • Needing to turn up the volume on the TV
  • A feeling of fullness in the ears
  • Needing others to speak louder and clearer
  • Trouble hearing others when there are background noises

Impacts of hearing loss or tinnitus can dramatically affect your life. Tinnitus can be maddening as the ringing in your ears could never go away. Hearing aids and other assistive medical devices can be expensive. With restrictive hearing, it may be more difficult to perform some jobs.

How Do I File a Claim Against 3M Earplugs?

The first step is to receive a diagnosis from a doctor. If you suffered negative effects linked to your use of 3M Dual-Ended Combat Arms Earplugs, you have grounds to file a claim. A lawyer can handle the details related to your 3M earplug injury case and seek compensation on your behalf.

The Importance of a Lawyer in Your 3M Earplug Disability Claim

3M is a large corporation represented by a team of highly qualified lawyers. You will want a legal professional fighting for you when going up against a company like them. 3M should be held liable for not disclosing defects with their earplugs by compensating those who have suffered. The amount of compensation you could receive depends on the severity of your injuries and the proven damages you incurred. 

A Lawyer Can Help You Seek Compensation for Damages You Suffered

Proving you have incurred damages is essential to receiving the maximum amount of compensation. Damages could include: 

  • Medical bills: Any past, present, and future medical bills could be recouped. Keep any records of payments you have made to your healthcare provider and any medications you have purchased.
  • Speech therapy: Many sufferers of hearing loss need speech therapy to relearn how to speak without being able to hear themselves. This could include volume control and word enunciation.  
  • Assistive devices: If you use a hearing aid or another required medical device, keep receipts from that purchase. 
  • Lost wages: If injuries you sustained made you miss work, you can recoup the money you lost during that time off. This can also include future wages if you cannot return to work in the same capacity as you did before. The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) states that those who have hearing loss are more likely to have lower employment rates, lower worker productivity, and higher healthcare costs. Hearing-impaired adults are also more likely to make lower incomes.
  • Disability: Users of 3M earplugs could receive compensation for short- or long-term disability coverage.
  • Pain and suffering: Any lasting adverse effects that the 3M earplugs caused could be recovered financially. This covers ongoing physical pain from injuries you obtained due to defective earplugs. 
  • Emotional distress: Ear pain and ringing ears can cause a lot of emotional distress. If you seek counseling to learn to manage distress, you can recover the costs.

The amount of damages you seek should match the challenges you are facing. An attorney can give you more information on what you will need to prove damages during your free consultation.

Best Lawyers for 3M Earplug Lawsuit

You don’t have to handle your legal case on your own. You can consult with a personal injury law firm about your 3M military earplug lawsuit. They can take care of your case while you focus on recovering. The lawyers who can make your case manageable and offer important and professional legal guidance are the best ones to handle any legal action you file in a 3M earplug case.

How an Attorney Can Help During a 3M Earplugs Lawsuit

Personal injury lawyers represent their clients and work on behalf of their interests, whether that be a settlement or a court-ordered award. When you work with an attorney on your claim or lawsuit, they will:

  • Investigate your claims and collect evidence to back them up
  • Assess your damages and assign a monetary value to your case
  • Speak with witnesses who can vouch for you 
  • Interview expert witnesses who can offer a professional opinion on your case
  • Identify the liable party or parties in your case
  • Negotiate on your behalf for a favorable outcome

A personal injury attorney can also provide: 

  • Communications: They communicate with clients throughout the litigation process and update them on their case’s status regularly.
  • Knowledge and experience: Lawyers who manage product liability cases can use their knowledge and experience to work toward a settlement of their client’s case. 
  • Work on contingency: There is no risk to working with a personal injury lawyer or law firm on a 3M earplugs case because you do not pay them attorney’s fees unless they recover compensation for you. 
  • A free initial consultation: A lawyer or law firm can offer a free one-on-one consultation where they will review your case and determine whether you can move forward. During the consultation, you can ask questions and learn about your case’s timeline and other important steps.

Connect with a Law Firm That Handles 3M Earplug Lawsuits

Thousands have initiated litigation for injuries and damages they suffered after using 3M Company’s earplugs, and you may be able to join them. You can seek the help of a mass tort attorney or law firm to take on large corporations like the 3M Company. With their help, you can prepare your case and pursue the compensation you are due.

Many lawyers and law firms offer a free initial consultation about their potential case, and clients usually do not pay until an attorney concludes their case. If you want more information, you can fill out the contact form today for help with your case.